Technology Trends Shaping How Companies Do Business

Wete and Company

Virtual and augmented realities. The blockchain. 5G.

The technology trends of 2022 already seem a bit outdated.

In 2023, Wete and Company describe a whole new world of technology shaping the future of businesses globally.

Each year, thanks to all big and small improvements and innovations that grow to become industry game-changers, the world of tech can repeatedly showcase its power to reshape how individuals think, how companies grow, and how industries reinvent themselves.

Here are just a few of the technology trends that will leave a lasting mark in 2023 and beyond. 

The Prominence of AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer futuristic. It’s here and will continue its prevalence within multiple business fields. Experts agree that by next year, more than half of user engagement with products will involve some form of speech, written word, or computer algorithms fueled by AI.

AI is particularly valuable as the demand for real-time data increases. For example, the technology can be used for more precise sales data and infrastructure analytics. It has shown time and time again that it can accurately predict both short- and long-term industry trends.

The result of utilizing AI is a business operating with greater agility and a form of protection against pending issues.

AI is increasingly proving itself to be vital to everything from refining autonomous driving to automating basic development work. Software within large companies is personalized for individual employees with AI, improving efficiency and streamlining processes seamlessly.

Digital Smells

Uploading pictures of recipes is one thing, but what if you could smell the meal you’re about to make? 

So-called gas sensor technology has evolved tremendously throughout the last few years, with the latest innovation designed to imitate the human brain and nose in order to digitize smells.

Such gas sensors using AI and other forms of machine learning can pinpoint the ways people respond to a wide range of smells. 

The technology could be used to advertise the latest fast-food burger, but also to offer important safety information related to contaminated food. 

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Consumers expect a certain amount of ease when using mobile devices for shopping, and many companies report doing most of their business interaction with customers either through a website or an app.

Virtual agents are expected to become the norm, increasingly replacing many forms of human-to-human interactions. Machines are also expected to interact more seamlessly with other machines to assist bothn business operations and consumers, leaving out a large portion of human interaction and management entirely.

Adjusting Nature

Editing nature isn’t new. Businesses have used nanotechnology to create products with features such as water resistance or reducing the risk of allergic reactions to certain foods. In 2023, such technology is expected to accelerate rapidly, especially with the advent of groundbreaking gene-editing technology such as CRISPR-Cas9.

Gene editing has the potential to help keep crops healthy and reverse damaging mutations to DNA. 

Going Green

In the fight against climate change, green technology is a powerful weapon. Expect new and highly specialized forms of green technology to take form in 2023, including clean-burning green hydrogen, less centralized power grids, and wind farms.  

Wete and Company
Wete and Company